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Найдено 6 результатов

  1. Shmel


    755 раз скачали

    T-90A «Владимир» Данный танк был построен с душой человеком Miau (ныне OleG), Виталя так же принимал участие в создании танка (В создании ходовой и т.д.). Танк содержит такие моды как "New Legend", "MJM" и "Cannons Pack Ricochets". Танк сделан с любовью Список обязательных модов: https://scrapmechanic.ru/files/file/21-cannons-pack/ https://scrapmechanic.ru/files/file/125-cannons-pack-ricochets-and-penetrations/ https://scrapmechanic.ru/files/file/92-new-legend-mod-creative/ https://scrapmechanic.ru/files/file/83-mjm-mod/
  2. Просмотр файла T-90A T-90A «Владимир» Данный танк был построен с душой человеком Miau (ныне OleG), Виталя так же принимал участие в создании танка (В создании ходовой и т.д.). Танк содержит такие моды как "New Legend", "MJM" и "Cannons Pack Ricochets". Танк сделан с любовью Список обязательных модов: https://scrapmechanic.ru/files/file/21-cannons-pack/ https://scrapmechanic.ru/files/file/125-cannons-pack-ricochets-and-penetrations/ https://scrapmechanic.ru/files/file/92-new-legend-mod-creative/ https://scrapmechanic.ru/files/file/83-mjm-mod/ Добавил MrShandy Добавлено 03/27/24 Категория Постройки  
  3. Версия 22 дек. 2023

    1 396 раз скачали

    Cannons Pack дополнение: Рикошеты и разрушения. МОД ДОБАВЛЯЕТ ТРИ НОВЫЕ ПУШКИ, НО ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО УСТАНОВИТЬ ОБЫЧНЫЙ Cannons Pack (https://scrapmechanic.ru/files/file/21-cannons-pack/) Видео на русском языке об этом моде: https://youtu.be/3U-BDA4Cpbo https://youtu.be/h25sNP1Jy_A Информация: Minimum projectile force to ricochet - 71 m/s(don't forget about speed loss) Ricochet Chance(0-1) A given number makes the chance of a ricochet which depends on the angle and randomness. Ricochet Angle Minimum ricochet angle (large) Expl.lvl falls with distance This logical parameter allows the explosion level to decrease with distance Expl.lvl falls with angle This logical parameter allows the explosion level to decrease with angle Coef. Expl. Lvl fall with distance This coefficient is the cosine of the specified number, and affects how much Expl.Lvl drops with distance Coef. Expl. Lvl angle fall This coefficient is the multiplier by which the drop in armor penetration due to the slope of the armor is multiplied. Shell normalization The entered parameter is the angle by which the projectile rotates when penetrating towards the armor. Ignore durab. lvl. (X) and less(Not finished) This value is the shape of what strength, inclusive, the projectile will ignore and fly through Penetration(Not finished) The indicated value is how many blocks the projectile is capable of penetrating (do not forget about the loss of explosion Lvl) Шрапнель Spawn shrapnels after expl. This Boolean parameter enables or disables the creation of fragments after an explosion Rot. shr. against the surface This logical parameter causes the fragments to fly in the opposite direction from the surface. Smart shrapnel rotation This logical parameter makes it so that fragments bounce off on all surfaces except blocks, and fly inside when they see blocks Shrapnels count Number of spawned fragments Shrapnels speed(m/s) Fragment speed (with slight spread) Shrapnels damage Damage to unit or character from a fragment Shrapnels spread(degrees) Scattering of fragments, without turning on the "Rot. shr. against the surface" it is better to set the spread to 360 Exp. lvl. before shrapnels spawn The explosion level of the explosion before the fragments spawn (the effect is determined depending on the radius) Exp. rad. before shrapnels spawn Explosion radius of the explosion before the fragments spawn (the effect is determined depending on the radius) Min. proj. speed to spawn shrap. Minimum projectile speed for fragment spawning Min. proj. speed to penetration. Minimum projectile speed to penetrate
  4. Просмотр файла Cannons Pack Ricochets and Penetrations Cannons Pack дополнение: Рикошеты и разрушения. МОД ДОБАВЛЯЕТ ТРИ НОВЫЕ ПУШКИ, НО ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО УСТАНОВИТЬ ОБЫЧНЫЙ Cannons Pack (https://scrapmechanic.ru/files/file/21-cannons-pack/) Видео на русском языке об этом моде: https://youtu.be/3U-BDA4Cpbo https://youtu.be/h25sNP1Jy_A Информация: Minimum projectile force to ricochet - 71 m/s(don't forget about speed loss) Ricochet Chance(0-1) A given number makes the chance of a ricochet which depends on the angle and randomness. Ricochet Angle Minimum ricochet angle (large) Expl.lvl falls with distance This logical parameter allows the explosion level to decrease with distance Expl.lvl falls with angle This logical parameter allows the explosion level to decrease with angle Coef. Expl. Lvl fall with distance This coefficient is the cosine of the specified number, and affects how much Expl.Lvl drops with distance Coef. Expl. Lvl angle fall This coefficient is the multiplier by which the drop in armor penetration due to the slope of the armor is multiplied. Shell normalization The entered parameter is the angle by which the projectile rotates when penetrating towards the armor. Ignore durab. lvl. (X) and less(Not finished) This value is the shape of what strength, inclusive, the projectile will ignore and fly through Penetration(Not finished) The indicated value is how many blocks the projectile is capable of penetrating (do not forget about the loss of explosion Lvl) Шрапнель Spawn shrapnels after expl. This Boolean parameter enables or disables the creation of fragments after an explosion Rot. shr. against the surface This logical parameter causes the fragments to fly in the opposite direction from the surface. Smart shrapnel rotation This logical parameter makes it so that fragments bounce off on all surfaces except blocks, and fly inside when they see blocks Shrapnels count Number of spawned fragments Shrapnels speed(m/s) Fragment speed (with slight spread) Shrapnels damage Damage to unit or character from a fragment Shrapnels spread(degrees) Scattering of fragments, without turning on the "Rot. shr. against the surface" it is better to set the spread to 360 Exp. lvl. before shrapnels spawn The explosion level of the explosion before the fragments spawn (the effect is determined depending on the radius) Exp. rad. before shrapnels spawn Explosion radius of the explosion before the fragments spawn (the effect is determined depending on the radius) Min. proj. speed to spawn shrap. Minimum projectile speed for fragment spawning Min. proj. speed to penetration. Minimum projectile speed to penetrate Добавил MrShandy Добавлено 03/27/24 Категория Моды  
  5. MrShandy

    Cannons Pack

    Версия 4.87

    6 344 раза скачали

    Этот мод содержит 21 потрясающую пушку с анимацией стрельбы и пользовательскими снарядами This mod contains: Tank cannon Flak cannon Naval cannon 2nd tank cannon M1 Abrams cannon Schwerer Gustav cannon (mortar) Aircraft cannon 2nd naval cannon 3rd tank cannon Railgun 2nd railgun (has better effects and it's more powerful) M109 cannon (howitzer) Rocket launcher Smart cannon (works with the number logic from 'The Modpack') Small smart cannon Orbital cannon - Smart rocket launcher (you can use The Modpack to input some stuff) Flare (heat decoy) launcher EMP Cannon (disconnects logic) Smart Rocket Detector Shell Ejector Laser Cannon Small Rocket Pod Large Rocket Pod Language support: English: by default Russian: by default German: by default Polish: Thanks to Driver for the translation! Contributors: Questionable Mark - creator of all the textures, UV maps for models, scripts and a behaviour of the projectiles Gratiskatze - creator of the most cannons, creator of the logo, beta-tester and German language translator. Brent Batch - creator of the old scripts and Global Script. Kein Anderer - beta-tester and German language translator. Driver - creator of an EMP Cannon model and Polish language translator. Seemomster - creator of the 2nd Tank Cannon. If you want to support us and you like this mod you can leave your thumbs up on this mod and add it to your favorites.
  6. MrShandy

    Мод Cannons Pack

    Просмотр файла Cannons Pack Этот мод содержит 21 потрясающую пушку с анимацией стрельбы и пользовательскими снарядами This mod contains: Tank cannon Flak cannon Naval cannon 2nd tank cannon M1 Abrams cannon Schwerer Gustav cannon (mortar) Aircraft cannon 2nd naval cannon 3rd tank cannon Railgun 2nd railgun (has better effects and it's more powerful) M109 cannon (howitzer) Rocket launcher Smart cannon (works with the number logic from 'The Modpack') Small smart cannon Orbital cannon - Smart rocket launcher (you can use The Modpack to input some stuff) Flare (heat decoy) launcher EMP Cannon (disconnects logic) Smart Rocket Detector Shell Ejector Laser Cannon Small Rocket Pod Large Rocket Pod Language support: English: by default Russian: by default German: by default Polish: Thanks to Driver for the translation! Contributors: Questionable Mark - creator of all the textures, UV maps for models, scripts and a behaviour of the projectiles Gratiskatze - creator of the most cannons, creator of the logo, beta-tester and German language translator. Brent Batch - creator of the old scripts and Global Script. Kein Anderer - beta-tester and German language translator. Driver - creator of an EMP Cannon model and Polish language translator. Seemomster - creator of the 2nd Tank Cannon. If you want to support us and you like this mod you can leave your thumbs up on this mod and add it to your favorites. Добавил MrShandy Добавлено 12/07/22 Категория Моды  
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